I am participating in
Kristen's lovely Summer of Color event.
I am a wee bit late getting started. I am just now posting for last week's color
Blue. If you're interested in joining in, check out her blog and sign up. You can join week by week, she has awesome giveaways and if you'd simply like to just browse, you can see who is taking part and visit their creative blogs.
My blue!
I named this Blue Moon, even though the moon looks more orange and red.
Recently, as the moon was heading for the horizon, it was very orange and almost redish. My boys and I have been taking late night walks up the hill, to watch the moon. The redness of the moon seems to only happen, once in a blue moon.
For awhile, I've been really wanting to try out collage, but haven't gotten to it.
With this picture, I got creative and used my new business cards to make the trees on the left. Shortly after having 1,000 cards printed up, we found out we are moving, so what does one do with so many cards. Throwing them away seems wasteful. I've decided to use them in pictures. They are after all, cards for the art studio and art lessons where I was teaching. Seems fitting. Even more so for this picture, since it was The Blue Box and all the colors on the cards were blue!
Well friends, I hope you have a happy and not blue week!
I will hopefully be posting my "green" picture before the week is out.