Thursday, March 24, 2011

Decorated Kitty

I realized I hadn't posted any of my art this week.  I had intended to, but somehow managed to delete the folder I had with all my scanned artwork in it.  Sometimes, I am brilliant like that.  
I improvised and took a picture of a drawing I did awhile back on black paper.  I like the way these pencils show up on the black background.  My apologies for the poor quality of the picture though. I will work out my technical difficulties and hopefully be ready before the A-Z Challenge begins.  :)
Enjoy the weekend and wish me luck on my technological challenges.  :) 
P.S.  When was the last time you drew a cat?

"Artists like cats;  soldiers like dogs"  
~Desmond Morris


  1. Very cute! Could be an illustration for a book~ Adorable!

  2. Thank you! I don't draw cats very often, even though I love them. It was fun to make the cat decorated, like an upholstered cat.

  3. Oh my goodness--I love him...or is it a her?

  4. I love your cat! Good luck with technology. It is annoying isn't it.

  5. Thank you Diane and Lisa!
    Diane, I'm thinking it's a him. haha! Our indoor cat, is a boy and he is always very inspiring.
    Lisa, yes sometimes it can be. Mostly because I'm not too savvy with it. I am still trying to learn some things and figure it out. One thing I've learned is, don't throw things away on your desktop, just because you like the sound it makes when it empties the trash. :l
    Have a splendid day!

  6. It kind of looks like a fabric cat I saw in a store window several months age. Cute!
    I have an award for you at my blog, BTW, if you participate in such things. Have a good weekend!

  7. I love your cat! The colors look great on black. This makes me smile. What about drawing some other cats like this. I could see a series of colorful cats all in a row....maybe?
