Sunday, May 22, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!!

I have been so, so busy.  So much going on in my life right now, with transitions and dynamics changing.  There are so many blogs I want to visit and catch up with, but it may have to wait a bit.  Our internet has been going super slow, which has also made it difficult to keep in touch with everyone.

But in the meantime, I did have a bit of time to do a drawing while I was watching a movie. Some movies, even cheesy ones, can be inspiring!
Sky Pirate

I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to visiting you soon.
  Have a truly pleasant day!!


  1. Hi Heather, there you are.
    On Mondays I will be choosing randomly one of my followers and I will write a post about them. You will be my first one. I hope you don´t mind I have borrowed a couple of things and pictures from my blog.
    It is good you are ok, you have been missed.
    A big hug,

  2. Thank you for drawing a picture of me, you are too kind. *Big cheesy grin* Seriously, I love it. Fantasy/steampunk meld. My internet has been balky over the weekend, I chalked it up to all of the failed Rapture chatter. Don't worry, we'll all be hanging about when you get back. :)

  3. Beautiful fairy-girl eqipped with goggles.

  4. you are so talented!
    she reminds me of katniss with wings =)
    happy monday!

  5. Very cool!!!....I can certainly relate to the busy part!

  6. nice drawing - impressed you can draw something like that while watching a movie

  7. Amazing drawing, you are SO talented. I know I have been MIA for several weeks now. Like you I have been busy, busy, busy and I am missing my Blogging Buddies! I will be glad when things slow down a bit again so we can visit a little more. Hope you are having happy busy-ness!

  8. I know what you mean about being busy and falling behind. Blogging can be very demanding to keep up with and sometimes we have to let life happen instead.

    Nice drawing!

    Tossing It Out
