~Max Lucado
Another Art Trade....hooray! I had the joy of trading with another fellow artist/blogger Melanie, at Rabbit Hole Art. This is what we traded. You should pop by and see all of the wonderful creations she has on her blog. She also has classes/videos, if you're interested. 
this is the postcard that Melanie made for our trade, isn't it beautiful?
She made this lovely book, it is cloth, painted and stitched and stamped. Isn't it gorgeous? Wow, I love the colors, the softness of it and what it says.
It says, "Soar As High As Your Spirit Will Take You! :)
this one says, "when I want to see love defined, I look at you."
"experience is not what happens to you.
it's what you do with what happens to you"
aren't these glorious??
these are the items I made for her. This is drawn/painted onto a little plaque and hung with ribbon.
this is drawn onto paper then modpodged onto a little book.
I wrote words of encouragement/inspiration on every almost every page.
It was a fun little project and I really enjoyed every moment of it.
Thank you Melanie, for trading with me and for adding such beauty to the world.
Our little sweet peas, they're growing like crazy..yay!
Friday, I got to go spend the entire day with my bestie. We sat on a rooftop, eating lunch. In the distance we could see a carnival, so after lunch, we walked to it and rode a couple of rides. It was glorious!
this is us, sitting at the rooftop restaurant, one of my faves. yay!
this is the little carnival, I love rides. :D
Saturday, the boys and I, helped a friend move her mom to a retirement community. It was great to meet her mom, they are very happy and wonderful people and it was a joy to be around them.
two of my sons, they've both had their birthdays this month and it's crazy that I now I have 3 adult children...is that possible???
my hubba bubba and my youngest son.
On Sunday, we all had the day off and stayed home to BBQ and spend time together, it was truly lovely. The weather was cool enough, that we built a fire.
My favorite.
Hoping for a beautiful and inspiring week for all of you!
Cheers!! :)