I am happy to see that I am not the only one with UFO's all over my house.
Several people commented about their UFO's and I am in glad company! :)
Now, I would love to hear what Holiday Traditions you all have and I will share a few of ours. I believe traditions are important. They kind of tell a story, of who we are and where we've come from.
"Traditions, traditions. Without our traditions, our lives would be as shaky as... as... as a fiddler on the roof!"
Ornaments: Every year, each of us gets a new ornament, when we decorate the tree, we read through our list and each of us takes turns putting each years ornament on the tree. Needless to say, our tree is very eclectic. I love it!!
No tree is complete without Chewbaca. |
Ahh...the year of the Sock Monkey! |
Homemade Gifts: I love hand making gifts. I always try to make some gifts to give. This year I am working on a fun little gift for my daughter, I will give you a small glimpse, once I am closer to getting it together...I'd better hurry. YIKES!!
Christmas Lights: We pick an evening and drive all around town, looking at all of the lights, while listening to Christmas music, then come home and have hot cocoa.
Cookies: My mom has the most amazing recipe for cookies, every year we'd go to her house and make dozens of cookies and decorate them too, this year (since we moved) we are on our own, but we will keep up the tradition.
These, we did with my mom, see how nice they are.
Our cookies this year...not quite so professional looking. |
But yummy, anyway! |
Movies: Of course, we always have our favorite movies that we watch during the season. Charlie Brown Christmas, The Christmas Story, Elf, Muppet's Christmas Carol, The Grinch, Santa Claus Is Coming to Town, Home Alone...and many more. We always watch It's A Wonderful Life, on Christmas Eve...we usually fall asleep too. I don't know the last time I made it through the entire movie.
Christmas Morning: Wake up at 3 a.m. My husband is usually the first one up, he is so excited, like a little kid. He makes coffee, turns on Christmas music, tries to make as much noise as possible, hoping everyone will hear him and get up. haha!
This was 3 years ago. Last Christmas photo of all of us together , before my daughter got married.
This our current Christmas family photo, with our future daughter-in-law.
So, what are your traditions?? |
I leave you with a couple of lines from Fiddler on the Roof!
Perchik: "Money is the world's curse."
Tevye: "May the Lord smite me with it. And may I never recover."