this was written on the path I have been running on, somebody..nature perhaps, added an E, to be a bit more grammatically correct. :D
Two weeks ago, my bff called me and asked if I want to run a 5k with her...I said heck yes! Now for my confession....I am not a runner, I never have been, as a matter of fact, in my whole life I have been of the opinion that the only reason a person would run on purpose, is if they were being chased. Why would I want all my jiggly parts bouncing out of control...on purpose? When I told my husband that I signed up for a 5k, he laughed hysterically....he knows me so well. He said of all the unpredictable things I could ever do, that takes the cake. But here I am, training for a 5k, although I must say, who ever came up with this training program has really high expectations. But I'm doing it. I decided that, life is short and if I'm going to live it, I have to start now and I might as well, do the things that I thought I couldn't and prove to myself that I can. The best way to do it, is to just go for it...not wait for the perfect time. I tend to think that next week, next month, next year...things will be better for whatever it is I'm putting off. Not anymore, I'm going for it! It's going to be quite an adventure! I'm already feeling stronger and although my muscles are sore, at least it's a good sore and not a "my body hurts cause I'm getting old, kind of sore." Now if I can just get my body to like healthier foods....

this is the path I run on, one of the main reasons I am willing to do this, it's outdoors and more importantly, it's pretty.
some of the little critters I encounter on my path.
My training partner, my son loves to run and walks as fast as I run, but he is motivating and keeps me moving.
And now for something completely different...
I'm working on a series of pics, this is one of them...Jane Austen.
Not quite complete, but that always seems to be the case.
an attempt at a small painting, I don't like it and plan to reuse the canvas for something else. I need more painting practice.
I've decided to start using some of my favorite photos to make postcards, this is one of them.
this is what the back looks like, I've actually mailed a few, to make sure the Post Office would be okay with them and so far, so good.
if I can find a place in town that would sell them, then that is what I'd like to do.
Any thoughts on how much I should sell them for?
And now I will leave with a funny old pic I found of my daughter....
she's the one on the horse...yahhooooo...
Have a gorgeous day!!
Do something surprising. :D